CNN: mostly trusted name near news

STS-117I really worry about the standards of journalism sometimes. As more and more people are going to the web for news, I’d think it falls upon the shoulders of full-time, nothing-but-news web sites to ensure that their writing is of a slightly higher standard than a high schooler’s latest “texting” spree. But…I guess I’m alone there. From today, in their article about the shuttle landing in California:

Lands in California means it will cost $1.7 million and take up to 10 days to get it home to Florida aboard a jumbo jet.

Y’know, I’m fully aware that I’ve written some almost completely incoherent stuff from time to time – most of which I’ve tried to go back and fix later – but then, this isn’t a full-time serious news site with people who are paid to know how to write, and other people who are paid to proofread the stuff delivered by the people who know how to write. (Allegedly.) (Come to think of it, I’ll bet there’s a whole extra raft of people there who are paid to know when to drop the word “allegedly” into their stories…)

Makes no sense means it’s increasingly hard to take “professional news organizations” seriously. Disappoints me! 😆

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