Preparations D.

Well, there’s always a catch.
Parts is parts
Whether that catch is the power supply or the motherboard is what Kent is working on figuring out now. (He got the two 22″ VGA monitors out of the deal – which turned out to be better than advertised, since they were both dual-input monitors with A/B source selector buttons on their front panels – since I’ve already got LCD flatpanels I’ll be using for this.) All I do know is that everything else powers up, but when the PC is connected to power, it just emits a whine, and can never seem to be turned on. I can’t wait to hear what it sounds like when it is up and running though – just the Avid Meridian module, the “QuietDrive” (HA!) and the VTR all turned on sound like a plane about to take off next to my head.

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  1. 1

    Well, if the equipment sounds like an aircraft taking off then perhaps you should wear the same thing the guys on the airfield wear: sound protection headgear. And then you can pretend you’re working at the airport. And if the wife complains that you didn’t take out the trash when she asked, you can legitimately say that you didn’t hear her. (Of course she could just grab some cone shaped flashlights and just wave you over to the trash. :))
    Can’t wait to see the first creative output from your new Avid setup.

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