Our long national nightmare is over

Okay, so maybe not very national. But I got something in the mail today which indicates that, while it is entirely possible that you can take the sky from me, there exists a roof between my head and the sky which remains mine.
So ends a process which I hope that no one reading this ever has to experience for themselves.
I went ahead and sprang for the three original Star Wars flicks on DVD – including the original originals that my site’s been shilling for all week 😆 – and then today the three new ELO remasters that I preordered some time back arrived in the mail. Which trilogy to indulge in first? In my present state, Lynne > Lucas. (And there is a certain amusing symmetry to the fact that I’ve bought the same things again from both of them, and became interested in both around roughly the same time – in fact, my first exposure to ELO was my older brother giving me an 8-track tape of A New World Record, which also happens to be one of the newly remastered albums, as bribe to leave him and his date alone; he informed me that the intro to “Tightrope” “sounds just like your Star Wars music”.)
I’m feeding horses every morning for the next 10 days, so I may not be blawging quite so actively during that time (for which you may wish to thank the deities of your choice, and 20+ hungry horses, at your convenience).

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  1. 1

    So glad to hear that things worked out for you on the house! Sucks that it was so stressful to get there, though.
    Have fun feeding the horses and with your new box sets. I’ve not given in to the temptation to add yet another set of copies of the original trilogy to my collection of SW movies. Although I may give in and go for the Best Buy tin this weekend. When will I stop this insanity??? 😉

  2. 2

    Well, I’m not feeling too bad about the Star Wars stuff, having passed on the previous DVDs of the original flicks. He finally talked me into shelling out for it with the original versions though. My only regret about missing the previous sets is the Empire of Dreams documentary, but I can probably netflix that one.

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