Probably the most popular series of posts and pictures I ever came up with on my now-extinct Digital Press blog had nothing to do with sci-fi or video games. It had to do with a kitten named Sampson who lived in my house for about a week and a half and captured everybody’s hearts…and was then taken off to his new life as a “Barn Kitty” by my sister-in-law, which was always the plan – only since she took so long to come get Sampson (a.k.a. Sammy Cat), we actually started to think that we were going to keep him. Afterward, my niece would talk about how much she loves Sampson and her other cat, Spaz. But I haven’t seen Sampson since he was a tiny kitten (or Spaz either, for that matter). And I didn’t get to today, either – but my wife did, and she took a few pictures for me, because I’ve always wondered how the little Sammy Cat was doing.
Apparently he’s turned into a fine handsome young man of a cat.
Sammy Cat!
Sammy Cat!
Sammy Cat!
Spaz hasn’t turned out bad either.
Spazzola Cat!
Spazzola Cat!
Run, Spaz, run! Too late!
Spazzola Cat!
They also have a little friend – I have no idea what this kitten’s name is.
Humberto L. Furball, Wonder Kitten, Esq.
Even though I had to go to work today, I was happy when I got to see these pictures.

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